Saturday, May 14, 2005

Get Serious at the League CIT in Dallas

If you can make it ... I'm presenting at the League CIT in Dallas Oct 23, 2005

I'm presenting in Session Track 1: Emerging and Future Educational Technology

"Each year, Track One focuses on an emerging technology believed to be of particular interest to educators. For the 2005 CIT, the special focus for Track One is Gaming and Simulations and Their Implications for Community Colleges. As increasing numbers of faculty members use games and simulations to support learning and more and more community colleges create gaming and simulations academic programs, what are the pros and cons educators should consider? Proposals targeted toward this focus area should encourage an exchange of ideas about how community colleges can anticipate and meet future educational, training, and organizational needs related to gaming and simulations."

My Presentation Title is: "Get Serious With Virtools to Create Simulations and Educational Video Games"

Here's a description: "Serious Games hold significant promise for today’s learners. In this forum, experience first-hand how Virtools is used in an Online Game Prototyping course where faculty and staff learn to create and distribute their own simulations and educational video games. Participate in case-study critiques of games that have been created in this course, and leave with a greater knowledge of how to proceed with serious game production at your own institution."

This is the presentation plan:

1. Demonstrate Virtools and the instructional media/lessons used to deliver the online course.

2. Preview the contents of the CD provided to each participant with sample lessons from this demonstration.

3. Visit the online course in session and experience the instruction first-hand.

4. Critique games produced by students in the course in a case-study discussion of the successes and challenges.

5. Question and Answer Wrap Up.


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